What is OriHali Gone?

This review will help customers decide if they should purchase Orion Remedies OriHali Gone. This product supports natural mouth hygiene. It comes in tablet form and with a 100% money back guarantee. It may be used by people of all ages. Read more about this product in our detailed review.


All of the ingredients have been through a dilution and titration process.

  • Nit Ac 6C
  • Nux Vom 6C
  • Antim Crud 6C
  • Asafoetida 3X
  • Merc sol 6C
  • Petroleum 6C
  • Inactive Ingredients: Sucrose/Lactose


The product comes in tablet form, and the instructions state to place one under the tongue and allow it to dissolve. This should be done three times a day: once in the morning, once at midday, and again at night time.


One bottle includes ninety tablets and costs $35.95. Orion Remedies has no deals or discounts for purchasing several bottles at once or monthly.

Possible Side Effects

OriHali Gone can be used by people of all ages, although it does state to consult a doctor if pregnant or nursing a child before use. There are no listed side effects but some consumers reported having allergies to sucrose and lactose that has been added to this product.

Manufacturer’s Commitment

Although Orion Remedies mentions a 100% money back guarantee on its website, it fails to give any further details about this policy. This is slightly worrying as there is no mention of how many days consumers have to return the product, or under what conditions.

There are, however,  many positive reviews and testimonies citing that the product worked perfectly fine for them. However, after some further research, other reviews were found claiming that the product was a scam and failed to do anything, and some consumers also reported having allergies to sucrose and lactose that has been added to this product.

The Bottom Line

OriHali Gone works well according to some consumers. The product costs a hefty amount at $35.95 for one bottle with no special discounts or subscription services. The lack of information on the satisfaction money back guarantee is also disappointing and not too re-assuring when paired along with the negative customer reviews stating the product is a scam. We were also disappointed that many people experienced allergies. Furthermore, even though all of the ingredients have been through a dilution and titration process, we are not sure of their safety. There is no mention of third party testing by independent organizations or adherence to any quality standard guidelines.



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